Entrance Test Application Form 2024-25

Note: (*) Fields are mandatory-

Basic Information

Course Offered

Add Photo
* Upload your passport size Photo required

Personal Information

* Full Name
* Gender

Male Female
* Permanent Address
* State
* City
* Pin Code
* Mobile No.
* Email ID
* Date of Birth
* Age as on 01-07-2019
Blood Group
* Father's Name
Father's Email
*Father's Mobile No.
*Mother's Name
Mother's Email
Mother's Mobile No.
Father's Official Address
Mother's Official Address


*Domicile Place
*Qualifying Exam 12th

Passed Appearing
Year of passing
Percentage Marks
List of Enclosure

Payment of Rs.300/- (Three Hundred Only) in favor of  Indore Nursing College


Online payment


State Bank of India A/c No.63007738055
Branch: Scheme No. 54 A.B. Road, Indore
IFSC Code: SBIN0030450


Copies of qualifying examination Certificates with marksheets (X & XII) Adhar Card


Kindly mail scanned copy of your application form and all enclosures at Indorenursingcollege@gmail.com or you can also send your complete application form at CAMPUS address on “Gendalal Bam Parisar” Rau Pithampur Road, Opp. IIM, Village Dehari Rangwasa, Rau, Indore (M.P.) Pin - 453331.
We hereby affirm that information furnished in the application form is true and no material information has been concealed. If any information is found to be false, incorrect or misleading, Institute will have authority to cancel admission without assigning any reason or notice. We undertake that applicant shall abide by regulations and disciplinary rules already in force and such other rules that may be made by the institute form time to time, for entrance test. We further undertake that category to which applicant belongs as indicated by us in the application form shall be irrevocable. In case of dispute, Court will be of Indore Jurisdiction.

* Place